Public contract: Rámcová smlouva na dodávku výpočetní techniky skupina Servery

Information on public contract

procurement procedure phase Awarded
Contract was awarded.
DBID: 65
System number: P12V00000009
Under the Act: no. 137/2006 Coll.
Registration number in VVZ: 207933
Date of start: 15.10.2011
Tender submit to: 01.12.2011 10:00

Title, type and description of public contract

  • Title: Rámcová smlouva na dodávku výpočetní techniky skupina Servery
  • Type of public contract: Supplies
  • Contract for the framework agreement.

Brief subject description:
dodávka, instalace a zprovoznění dodávek výpočetní techniky a jejího příslušenství
- typ Server1, Server2, Server3, Diskové pole1, Diskové pole2, Diskové pole3

Procedure type, estimated value

  • Procedure type: open procedure
  • Public contract regime: above-the-threshold
  • Estimated value: 20 000 000 Kč without VAT

Contracting authority

  • Official name: Technická univerzita v Liberci
  • CRN: 46747885
  • Postal address:
    Studentská 1402/2
    461 17 Liberec 1
  • Name of the department: PRA - oddělení právní
  • Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: 60050177

Contact address

Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
Technická univerzita v Liberci
Studentská 1402/2
461 17 Liberec 1

Subject items

No records to display.

Procurement documents

Explanation, completion, changes of procurement documents

Public documents


URL addresses

Contract performance

Notice of the award contracts based on framework agreement