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Public contracts of Technická univerzita v Liberci

On this site you will find overview of published public contracts of the contracting authority:

Technická univerzita v Liberci
CRN: 46747885
Contracting authority profile identifier in VVZ: 60050177
Previous contracting authority profiles:

Not signed in users have access to basic information of public contracts and to procurement documents and its explanation in the case that these are provided with unrestricted and full direct remote access. After signing in contractors have the opportunity to interact within the relevant procurement procedures. If you are a contractor and do not have an account in the E-ZAK system yet, please sign up.

The E-ZAK system is certified by regulation no. 260/2016 Coll. in which are laid down detailed conditions relating to electronic tools and electronic acts performed in procurement of public procurement procedures and details on the certificate of conformity.

Detailed information about using the system can be found in user's manual (pdf, 3,98 MiB).

In case of questions or troubles you can contact .

Ongoing public contracts

Quick filter: receipt of tenders | receipt of requests to participate
Public procurement regime Procurement procedure phase Date of commence [i] Time limit for tenders / requests
004_JZ_OP JAK_Vybavení digitální laboratoře pro tvorbu světelného a zvukového designu ve veřejném prostředí (FUA_012)
small-scale public contract Receipt of tenders 22.01.2025 06.02.2025 10:00
112_Lo_OP JAK_FTIR spektrometr s FTIR mikroskopem a FT_Raman modulem
above-the-threshold Receipt of tenders 06.01.2025 07.02.2025 09:00
090_JZ_OP JAK_Provedení procesní analýzy ekonomických činností v rámci TUL
below-the-threshold Evaluated 27.11.2024 02.01.2025 10:00
076_JZ_Video služby pro TUL
small-scale public contract Evaluation 30.08.2024 20.09.2024 10:00
O_139_KV_ERDF_Oddělovací síť, frekvenční analyzátor, analyzátor v časové oblasti (FM_069-071)
above-the-threshold Evaluation 21.02.2020 09.07.2018 09:30
097_Výpočetní technika TUL - 2 části
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 07.09.2016 22.09.2016 08:00
096_Výpočetní technika TUL - 1 část
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 06.09.2016 21.09.2016 07:00
093_Výpočetní technika TUL - 2 části
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 24.08.2016 08.09.2016 07:00
087_Propagační předměty - 2 části
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 05.08.2016 20.08.2016 10:00
086_Propagační předměty - 1 část
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 05.08.2016 19.08.2016 23:59
078_MK_Propagační předměty - 2 části
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 23.07.2016 09.08.2016 09:00
123_Tiskařské služby - 2 části
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 26.09.2015 12.10.2015 09:00
121_Tiskové služby - 3 části
above-the-threshold Assessment of requests to participate in DPS 23.09.2015 08.10.2015 09:00
small-scale public contract Evaluated 09.11.2012 19.11.2012 10:00
151_Zařízení pro testování rázové odolnosti kompozitů
small-scale public contract Evaluated 06.10.2012 19.10.2012 10:00
all public contracts